Increase composting for soil health and climate action

A very interesting recent study by Jane Gilbert highlights the great potential of enhancing biowaste collection and composting in the fight against climate change and for the whole farming-food sector in the UK.
Soil health can be improved in several ways, including the application of quality compost which increases organic carbon levels and improves crop yields. Research has shown that repeated application of green waste-derived compost resulted in an increase in soil organic matter of between 20-25% compared to a control group over a nine-year period. It would seem logical that UK policy should seek to maximise the use of compost to boost the health of agricultural soil. This is not happening.

The new research has conservatively estimated that the potential market demand for compost for arable land is 22 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa). The potential demand is 19 million tonnes per annum greater than the current 3 Mtpa of compost that is currently manufactured across all four nations. It is also 16 Mtpa greater than the amount that could be theoretically generated if there was a more supportive policy context.

At BIOPAP®, we have been forerunners 20 years ago in developing and producing only compostable high performance food packaging solutions for professional catering applications and ready-made meals. Our aim was to give performance and convenience in service and full biological circularity with food rest coming back to agriculture with a never-ending cycle. With the City of Milan and Amsa, BIOPAP® Compostable food trays for school catering and catering services are collected without sorting with food waste and transformed into compost in the state of the art 100.000T/year plant. A European best-practice that can be extended in the UK to all schools, hospitals and elderly houses catering services.

Our latest patented self-supporting BIOPAP Genius Meal Tray® will further boost this opportunity by improving operational efficiency, organoleptic properties and the quality of the meal served. Let’s work together to make it happen.

Sustainability is a common goal that need multistakeholder commitment.

#JaneGilbert #biowaste #composting #sustainability #bestpractice #fullbiologicalcircularity #innovativesolutions


Read more 👉🏻 2024+The+Soil-Food-Biowaste+Policy+Disconnect+Jane+Gilbert