BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Meal Tray. The fast, scale-up packaging revolution in sustainable professional catering.
Ergonomically designed, light, minimizing packaging needs, elegant, BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS boosts the food value proposition in catering services.
BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Meal tray has been designed in the GN 1/2 size, to fully utilize in Gastronorm equipment, the revolutionary innovation of BIOPAP Genius Meal Tray® patented concept. The GN ½ size makes BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS quick and simple to implement for all catering scales.
BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS eliminates the traditional and rigid tray on which all meal components are laid on and needs to be washed up, after the service. We have engineered a self-supporting structure where food containers cooperate with a single top-sheet acting both as lid and connecting element. The 2 elements, food containers and top sheet are bonded together by heat-sealing creating a light but rigid structure.
Likewise all BIOPAP® food packaging solutions, BIOPAP® Easy Genius meal tray is made out of PEFC certified renewable raw materials, is suitable for high and low temperature process and is also biodegradable and compostable to allow post-service collection and disposal together with food waste without separation.
BIOPAP® Easy Genius in its GN ½ Size features 3 independent food compartments and a cup holder for drinks, fruit, yoghurt etc…
Stiff, light, practical, elegant, it fits Gastronorm Isothermal boxes, Re-heating GN boxes, GN chiller crates and Gastronorm Ovens.
Its robust structure makes BIOPAP® Easy Genius perfectly stackable during storage, and transport.
All 3 independent food compartments can be opened separately in the desired sequence keeping food warm or chilled, untouched during the service.
The meal menus are prepared and portioned in central kitchens where BIOPAP® Easy Genius is assembled and sealed preserving the maximum hygiene and making the meal handling simple and efficient: 1 single and stiff unit. Therefore, preparation time, picking time and service time are significantly cut down.
BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Meal Tray is tested to operate in Cook&Serve, Cook&Chill, Cook&Freeze process for the maximum operation’s flexibility.
In service, BIOPAP® GEASY GENIUS is professional, elegant, with a pleasant and natural touch&Feel, convenient: The whole meal at glance, on a table, on a desk, on a bench, in a park, at the beach.
Unbreakable, without sharp or hard edges, pure, natural.
Once served, with the food compartments opened, BIOPAP® Easy Genius is also quickly collectable and stackable, saving further time of service personnel or easily disposed by consumers to one single composting bin: Low weight, no wash-up, no food rest separation.
Post restoration activities are also significantly reduced with less time needed from service personnel, no water, no chemical, no energy needed. All food rest can be organically recycled together with BIOPAP® Easy Genius to Bio Methane and Compost coming back to agriculture in a positive virtuous circle. BIOPAP Easy Genius is certified compostable according to EN 13.432 CIC with on- Field disintegration tests and OK Compost Home.
We have also engineered an effective and scalable heat-sealing system needing a limited investment. A robust, easy-to-operate, Stainless-steel, manual sealing machine with the EASY GENIUS frame, suitable to Heat-seal and assemble the Easy Genius Meal Tray with BIOPAP® Easy open functions. Altogether, the equipment needs the standard 230/240V power supply, it is lightweight and compact, the best features for starting up and scaling-up any operation.
All is needed to evolve catering offerings to the next level of efficiency, sustainability and perceived quality are 4 elements:
-BIOPAP® Compostable EASY GENIUS Top lid
-BIOPAP® Compostable EASY GENIUS Food Trays
-Good food
BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Meal trays applications can range from Hospital catering, Corporate Meal deliveries, School Catering, Event Catering, Crisis & Military Catering, Camping catering, Resort Catering.
Heat resistance up to 175°C makes also BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS particularly suitable for meals that need sterilization before service.
Enhancing customers’ food experience and turning catering services more sustainable and biologically circular is now possible and simple with BIOPAP® EASY SYSTEM meal tray solution.
Make up your mind, at BIOPAP® we eco-design our innovations for the common good, we show that, with a system approach, sustainability is affordable and beneficial to all.