The Italian Composters Consortium (CIC) celebrates its 30th anniversary

BIOPAP® congratulates CIC for their 30th anniversary, a common long-lasting commitment in turning a waste into a valuable local resource.  Our dual-ovenable food trays have been specifically designed over 20 years ago to end their life in composting plants together with food waste or at home composting units, with the best purity. At BIOPAP® we are proud of our Compostability certificate License N°3, we have been the second company in Italy to get all its products certified compostable with the Italian Composters Consortium. Italy is the Best Practice Leader in BIOWASTE management through compost, producing renewable fertilizers or renewable biofuel. Italy’s biowaste collection reached in 2020 40% of the whole urban waste collection producing 2,15 million T of compost and 370 million m3 of Biogas. The BIOWASTE collection and the best management through compost will play a crucial role in the next years to fight against the climate change and desertification. BIOPAP trays perfectly biodegradate and disintegrate into compost, improving soils, water retention and bringing organic substances or can be digested in anaerobic digestors to produce biogas.

Certificate of compostability of BIOPAP LP, BIOPAP LC, BIOPAP MAP and LP Lids