BIOPAP® supports the Compostable by Design Platform

BIOPAP® is proud to announce we are supporting the Compostable by Design Platform; a cross value chain collaboration that recognizes the important role compostable packaging and products can play in closing the biological loop, delivering a truly circular future.

Established in 2023, the Compostable by Design Platform brings together expertise from across the value chain to facilitate the organic recycling of compostable materials on a large scale across Europe. Recognising that effective solutions require collective effort, the Platform unites leaders from resin producers to film and paper manufacturers, packaging converters, brands, retailers, logistics providers, organic waste management experts, certification bodies, testing labs, academic institutions and beyond.

The Platform is founded on the belief that in relevant applications compostable products and packaging play an important role in achieving true circular economy. The use of compostable materials boosts organic recycling by increasing the amount of biowaste collected and reducing contamination of organic waste.
Platformn participants are working to improve the circularity of materials that are contaminated with food waste or likely to be disposed within an organic waste stream, and to establish pathways for those materials to be processed by the right technology provider and infrastructure.

“We strongly believe in biological circularity. The positive impact that biowaste turned to compost can have in local agriculture, in carbon sinking, in biodiversity and in climate change fight is enormous. An ancient and simple rule that was abandoned in modern times. Turn any waste into a resource as much as possible, this is what I was taught by my grand-father, originating from the Alps of Piedmont” says Michelangelo Anderlini, President and Co-Founder of Biopap®. “When we started developing our ovenable, freezer resistant, compostable food trays back in 2001 no one was believing this would be the future. We have been committed to Eco-designing all our high-performance foodpackaging solutions taking into consideration Composting as the preferred end of life. We promote fully circular catering solutions in school, hospital and elderly homes institution’s creating virtuous models for local communities”. Within the European Union, the proper collection and treatment of biowaste remains at low levels as the majority of municipal solid waste is still incinerated or landfilled and the combination of organics remaining in landfills is also significantly contributing to climate change via methane emissions, a powerful Greenhouse Gas (GHG) that traps 82.5 times as much heat as CO2 over a 20-year timespan.
We want to give momentum to the Compostable by Design Platform to have a real impact on every day’s life.

There is a huge potential of improving our policies and we must join efforts to make that happen.

#compostablepackaging #biowaste #fullycircular
