BIOPAP® nominated among “Best Packaging Innovation of the Decade” at Gulfood Manufacturing in Dubai


Let’s meet in Dubai at Gulfood Manufacturing 2024!
From 5th to 7th November we will present our products and all latest innovations.

📍You will find us in SHEIKH SAEED Hall 3, Stand S3-B34

We are also thrilled to announce that Biopap® has been nominated for the prestigious Gulfood Manufacturing Industry Excellence Awards 2024 for the “Best Packaging Innovation of the Decade” with Biopap® Easy Genius Meal Tray, our fully compostable self-supporting tray integrated with Biopap® food containers.

A big thank you to everyone who has supported our journey so far.
We’ll keep you updated on our progress.

BIOPAP GulfoodManufacturing GulfoodManufacturingIndustryExcellenceAwards2024 BestPackagingInnovationoftheDecade BIOPAPEasyGeniusMealTray
compostabletrays innovativepackagingsolutions fullycompostable fullcircularity