All disposable packaging and items containing PFA’s are no longer compostable. Once again the strategic vision of BIOPAP® confirms its choice to never use fluorinated compounds.
Packaging and disposable products containing PFAs will no longer be certified compostable to EN 13432.
Growing concerns about public health and soil contamination have led various Certification Bodies to ban single-use packaging and products that contain PFAs.
The call was already active in the US from 2020 when the BPI restricted the criteria for packaging and compostable products by eliminating any PFA’s from the composition of the products.
Even in Europe, organizations such as TUV Austria (OK Compost Industrial and OK Compost Home, Seeding), Compostable CIC, European Bioplastics have adopted the same criteria.
From 1-1-2022 paragraph 8.1.4 on the chemical characteristics of the products of the OK Compost Industrial and OK Compost Home certification scheme based on the EN 13432 Standard reads:
As specified in EN 13432, the total concentration of Fluorine of the product must not exceed 100ppm. To further limit the use of perfluorinated or fluorinated chemicals, each applicant must sign a self-declaration that no PFAS (as defined by the OECD, see §12.4.) is added to their products: https://www.tuv-at.be/fileadmin/user_upload/docs/download-documents/CS/CS-OK01-EN_OK_compost_INDUSTRIAL.pdf
The definition and identification of PFAs is that published by the OECD.
In summary, all certificate holders and new applicants must provide a self-declaration that no PFAS substance has been intentionally added to the product or during the manufacturing process. This self-declaration must be submitted no later than 01 July 2022. Otherwise, the validity of the certification will be suspended until the declaration is issued. In the absence of the requirements, the certification will lapse or cannot be renewed.
To avoid further contamination of the soil, products containing PFAs will no longer have to be thrown and collected in the wet fraction and sent to composting facilities.
Already over 18 years ago, in the development phase, we deliberately discard any fluorinated additives for the production of our food containers. A further guarantee for choosing BIOPAP® heat-sealable food containers. The innovative compostable BIOPAP® dish, designed for professional catering, is PFAs free and is therefore a guarantee of compliance with all standards. It allows a safe use and disposal without risk of contamination of the land and water with a Quality compost. One more reason to choose BIOPAP® dishes from renewable and non-intensive raw materials, with a totally European supply chain and production in Italy. At reopening of schools, catering activities and autumn festival, only certified supplies of dishes and containers suitable for composting with adequate certifications shall be taken into consideration. BIOPAP® biodegradable and compostable trays and dishes are the safe, high-performance choice! The guarantee of a unique experience that has its roots in over 18 years of Italian development and production, dedicated to utmost safety up to composting.