


    BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Compostable Meal Tray Shortlisted for the Irish Foodservice Supplier Award

    BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Compostable Meal Tray Shortlisted for the Irish Foodservice Supplier Award

    We are thrilled to announce that our BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Compostable Meal Tray has been shortlisted in the Best Environmentally Sustainable Packaging category at the Irish Foodservice Supplier Award. This recognition highlights the sustainable innovation engineered and patented by BIOPAP®.

    Addressing Key Environmental Challenges in Foodservice

    The food service sector faces significant environmental challenges that require urgent attention:

    • Reducing carbon emissions
    • Minimizing food waste
    • Eliminating single-use plastics
    • Managing water consumption

    BIOPAP® solutions are designed to tackle all these challenges head-on. Our LCA Cradle to Grave assessment reveals a remarkable 66% reduction in the carbon footprint of BIOPAP® food trays when compared to traditional PP or CPET containers—significantly reducing CO2 emissions in catering operations.

    Sustainable Materials and Certifications

    Made from renewable cellulose sourced from responsibly managed forests certified under the PEFC scheme, BIOPAP® food trays are not only eco-friendly but also #compostable. Certified under EN 13432 CIC, with on-field disintegration testing, our trays also carry OK Compost Home and BPI certifications.

    At the end of service, no washing, no water, no detergent is needed. Simply dispose of the food remnants and trays together, where they will break down into high-quality compost—supporting agricultural sustainability and reducing reliance on fossil-based fertilizers.

    Efficient, Sustainable, and Waste-Reducing

    The BIOPAP® EASY GENIUS Compostable Meal Tray optimizes meal preparation and service, ensuring a smoother, more efficient workflow. It is perfectly suited for Cook & Chill, Cook & Serve, and Cook & Freeze processes, allowing for significant reductions in food waste.


    A big thank you to KIERNAN’s Food Ingredients for their continued support of BIOPAP®’s sustainable innovations!

    Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the environment.

    News, Notizie

    VISION, the sustainable business economy model of PLEF shared with BIOPAP®

    VISION, the sustainable business economy model of PLEF – Planet Life Economy Foundation ETS shared with BIOPAP®.

    A beautiful day of learning and exchange, of affinity and the desire to always improve ourselves.

    Thanks to Paolo Ricotti and thanks to Emanuele Plata for sharing with all of us Vision, the sustainable business management model, the result of 15 years of studies and 40 years of experience in business management.

    Inspired by nature, we can innovate, create an active business culture and adapt our lifestyles to generate development and happiness by regenerating the environment and territories. Every person in his or her individuality is an actor of change, every organization is a driver of change.

    By combining science, philosophy and economics we can create a new renaissance with the “we” at the center, where the “we” are also future generations.

    Thanks to PLEF for promoting this vision with energy and altruism, we could not help but end by sharing, all together, a country lunch that exalted the territory with Carnaroli rice from Società Agricola La Corte, cooked by our dear friends Dolce Salato Donhauser and bread, cold meats and cheeses from Macelleria La Corte, all rigorously served in BIOPAP® compostable containers.



    Italy Championing recycling of packaging waste

    Italy Championing in recycling of packaging waste and organic waste treatment, BIOPAP® forerunner in compostable, high-performance food packaging solutions.

    The recycling of packaging waste in Italy continues reaching levels of European excellence: in 2023 it reached 75.3%, up from 70.7% in 2022, exceeding not only the European 65% target by 2025, but also that of 70% by 2030.

    The results have been published on Friday 13 December 2024 at the National Conference of the Recycling Industry, promoted by the Foundation for Sustainable Development in collaboration with Conai and Pianeta 2030, the monthly magazine of Corriere della Sera, under the patronage of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, Ispra and the National System for Environmental Protection.

    Almost all supply chains exceed the European targets: paper and cardboard 92.3%, steel 87.8%, glass 77.4% (even if it is down by 3.4% if compared to the previous year), aluminum 70.3%, wood 64.9% and bioplastics 56.9%.

    In Italy certified compostable packaging are processed together with urban organic waste in organic recycling plants. Typically, BIOPAP® certified compostable trays and meal trays used by professional caterers for school, corporate, hospital catering are collected with food residues in biowaste and turned to quality compost.

    Italy is a forerunner in biowaste collection and treatment. Today it has a capacity for treating organic waste (green and organic municipal waste) that guarantees the self-sufficiency of the national System with a network of 357 plants distributed throughout the territory treating approximately 5 Mt of municipal waste, including compostable food packaging and compostable bioplastic products.

    About 52 million inhabitants are involved in intensive collection schemes for biowaste (foodwaste + greenwaste) diverting about 7,4 Mtons of biowaste from disposal to recycling, converted into compost and turned back to agriculture, landscaping and orchards. Moreover the integration of composting with the anaerobic digestion process also made it possible to obtain approximately 409 Mm³ of biogas, part of which used for the production of electricity (approximately 411 GWh) and thermal energy (approximately 169 GWh).

    A success for the circular bioeconomy, using local resources, creating local jobs and helping in significantly reducing CO2 and Methane emission from organic waste landfilling or incineration.

    At BIOPAP we have been believing in circular Bio-economy for over 22 years now. All our food packaging solutions have been eco-designed with renewable and non-agricultural raw materials and certified compostable to allow an even larger share of food waste collection to the composting stream.

    CIC estimates about 2.000 workers directly employed in biowaste sector and 10.000 employees in the other activities related to the biowaste recycling (i.e. collection, technical support for planning and building plants, activities to promote the use of compost), with steady growth prospects in the future.




    BIOPAP® winner of the “Best Packaging Innovation of the Decade” at GULFOOD Manufacturing Industry Excellence Awards 2024


    BIOPAP® winner of the “Best Packaging Innovation of the Decade” at GULFOOD Manufacturing Industry Excellence Awards 2024.

    Gulfood Manufacturing 2024 edition has a been a true milestone for BIOPAP® compostable food packaging solutions. We have been honored with the outstanding award for the Best Packaging Innovation of the Decade that testifies our steady commitment to innovation and to sustainable food packaging.

    The 10 years edition has recognized groundbreaking innovations from the past decade and game-changing contributions that are redefining industry standards and inspiring progress.

    The Manufacturing Industry Excellence  Awards are honoring the trailblazing pioneers whose innovative products and technologies have revolutionized the F&B manufacturing industry. These awards are a testament to the relentless pursuit of technological advancements that enhance productivity, offer increased convenience, and drive sustainable development.

    Thank you to all visitors for showing such an appreciation for our compostable food containers, lidding and heat-sealable solutions, made in Italy. We have noticed a real jump in professionals and institutions awareness and the will to commit to sustainability in every day’s activities, from airline catering to institutional kitchens, from school and hospital catering to meal delivery services from independent restaurant and hotel chains.

    The stand was simply superb, together with our associates of NOVACART. A display of our present technology with a capsule on the awarded @BIOPAP Easy Genius Meal Tray, is the revolutionary, self-supporting, fully compostable meal tray. It allows increased efficiency and hygiene in central kitchen preparation, it is light, thus saving resources and transport costs. BIOPAP®  Easy Genius Meal Tray is safe, stiff, easy to handle, ready for serving complete meals Hot or Cold, with each compartment that can be opened separately in the desired sequence. At the end of the service meal trays and food rests can be composted without separation, giving excellent compost quality for organic and traditional farming.

    Join us creating a revolution in professional catering with improved service and customer experience and a fully compostable end-of-life with no separation with food rests.

    With BIOPAP we want to show that sustainability is not only possible but is also affordable and beneficial to the entire value chain, to agriculture and the whole planet.

    Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRH2x5_ONJ0


    #BIOPAP #BestPackagingInnovationoftheDecade #GULFOODManufacturing #IndustryExcellenceAwards2024  #innovation  #sustainablefoodpackaging #BIOPAPEasyGeniusMealTray #sustainability #fullycompostable


    BIOPAP® nominated among “Best Packaging Innovation of the Decade” at Gulfood Manufacturing in Dubai


    Let’s meet in Dubai at Gulfood Manufacturing 2024!
    From 5th to 7th November we will present our products and all latest innovations.

    📍You will find us in SHEIKH SAEED Hall 3, Stand S3-B34

    We are also thrilled to announce that Biopap® has been nominated for the prestigious Gulfood Manufacturing Industry Excellence Awards 2024 for the “Best Packaging Innovation of the Decade” with Biopap® Easy Genius Meal Tray, our fully compostable self-supporting tray integrated with Biopap® food containers.

    A big thank you to everyone who has supported our journey so far.
    We’ll keep you updated on our progress.

    BIOPAP GulfoodManufacturing GulfoodManufacturingIndustryExcellenceAwards2024 BestPackagingInnovationoftheDecade BIOPAPEasyGeniusMealTray
    compostabletrays innovativepackagingsolutions fullycompostable fullcircularity


    BIOPAP® LC receives the Compostability Certification from the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI)

    We are thrilled to announce that Biopap® LC products have received Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) Compostability Certification, the leading North American certification organization for compostable products and packaging, in accordance with ASTM Standard D6400.

    Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) is the distinctive symbol for compostability also recognized by the general public and the entire value chain.

    A process that began with the first biodegradability and composability tests carried out by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, which established the first laboratory to evaluate the compostability of materials in the United States. Even the choice of Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certification is not fortuitous and lies in the Institution’s twenty years of experience, the same 20 years of Biopap® activity at the forefront of sustainability with all containers developed to be compostable with food residues at the end of their life.

    The Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) certification process is rigorous and ensures that certified food packaging can safely return to agriculture through a commercial composting facility. This is done by testing to ASTM standards and applying additional restrictions on carcinogens agents and fluorinated chemicals substances.

    In fact, already in 2019, the values required by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) for the chemical components called fluorinated PFOA/PFAS were less then 100 ppm, while the values analyzed for Biopap® products were <0.5 ppm. An excellent result that identifies the only natural fluorine present in cellulose fibres.

    This is further testimony to our commitment to providing American professional catering operators with packaging systems that allow them to organize more efficient and sustainable catering services, turning waste into precious biological resources for agriculture and biodiversity.

    In the US, 70% of the top 200 main composting sites also accept certified food packaging as organic waste. This is a great opportunity in particular for the patented Biopap® containers which are developed only on a cellulose basis and therefore rich in biogenic carbon and solid residue which improves the quality of compost and the performance of the plants. One more opportunity to organize close-loop containers with food residues in catering services such as schools, hospitals, nursing homes or large enterprises.

    Our unique experience embodies a revolutionary systemic approach, which places the protection of the environment and people as the primary aim.

    ® #BPI #UniversityofWisconsinStevensPoint #compostableproducts #packaging #sustainability #compostability #fluorinated #commitment #biologicalresources #biodiversity #biogeniccarbon #compost #closeloop #environment


    Innovative BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray first pilot line installed at OPAL Catering GmbH


    Thank you to Opal Catering GmbH for pioneering the disruptive BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray catering system. Thank you for preparing a variety of ingredients and preparations. All has been working perfectly with best functional and organoleptic results.


    This patented and compostable food packaging solution allows to revolutionize hospitals, clinics, elderly homes, catering system with outstanding operational efficiency and full circularity.


    The aim is to cope with the growing lack of human resources in meal preparation and in satellite kitchens by stream-lining the preparation process in centralized kitchens and then dispatching ready-made full meal trays in the cook & chill process, directly to Docking Stations in the Service buildings. Meal preparation, picking, and handling has never been so simple: one single unit, 12 times lighter than traditional meal trays, re-heatable in double flow trolley systems. Every filled trolley weight 60 kg less: more comfort for operators and Less C02 emissions in transport.


    BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray also reduces re-heating times and significantly improves organoleptic results after re-heating compared to traditional system with cloches: pasta and rice remain soft, sauces are stable and vivid, vegetables and proteins keep the best colors and textures.


    Thank you also to Socamel having adapted ERGOSERVE XS trolley for a perfect double flow separation. BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray shorten service times and gets meals on every patient’s table at the right temperature. Warm meals keep warm, cold preparations remain chilled, all in one single unit.


    BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray is fully compostable with no washing-up and no sorting needed with food rests. All the service waste can be turned locally into compost that can be used back in agriculture, feeding a never-ending cycle. Full circularity and efficiency is ensured with BIOPAP® Genius Meal Tray. Who will be next?



    #Biopap #GeniusMealTray  #OpalCateringGmbH #Socamel #GeniusMealTraycateringsystem #compostable #foodpackagingsolution #operationalefficiency #hospitals #clinics #elderlyhomes #fullcircularity #ERGOSERVEXStrolley #fullycompostable #compost #cook&chill




    “Your buffet at home” with HOFMANNs and Biopap®


    “Your buffet at home” with HOFMANNs and Biopap®

    Fantastic new Home Meal service by HOFMANNs with Biopap® cook&freeze trays.
    The maximum care in food preparation with Dual ovenable compostable BIOPAP® trays, produced in 0-C02 emission plants.

    Always available, ready to use (frozen).
    No risk of breaking during transport, even in frozen conditions.
    Easy to prepare, suitable for microwave and traditional oven.
    Easy open function with Biopap® Easy open lid.

    Your smart buffet!
    Fully compostable, also in your home garden OKCompostHome certified with no waste.

    #innovativepackagingsolution #smartsolutions #compostable  #OKCompostHome

    See the complete video 👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gfHufvUd

    BIOPAP® supports the Compostable by Design Platform

    BIOPAP® is proud to announce we are supporting the Compostable by Design Platform; a cross value chain collaboration that recognizes the important role compostable packaging and products can play in closing the biological loop, delivering a truly circular future.

    Established in 2023, the Compostable by Design Platform brings together expertise from across the value chain to facilitate the organic recycling of compostable materials on a large scale across Europe. Recognising that effective solutions require collective effort, the Platform unites leaders from resin producers to film and paper manufacturers, packaging converters, brands, retailers, logistics providers, organic waste management experts, certification bodies, testing labs, academic institutions and beyond.

    The Platform is founded on the belief that in relevant applications compostable products and packaging play an important role in achieving true circular economy. The use of compostable materials boosts organic recycling by increasing the amount of biowaste collected and reducing contamination of organic waste.
    Platformn participants are working to improve the circularity of materials that are contaminated with food waste or likely to be disposed within an organic waste stream, and to establish pathways for those materials to be processed by the right technology provider and infrastructure.

    “We strongly believe in biological circularity. The positive impact that biowaste turned to compost can have in local agriculture, in carbon sinking, in biodiversity and in climate change fight is enormous. An ancient and simple rule that was abandoned in modern times. Turn any waste into a resource as much as possible, this is what I was taught by my grand-father, originating from the Alps of Piedmont” says Michelangelo Anderlini, President and Co-Founder of Biopap®. “When we started developing our ovenable, freezer resistant, compostable food trays back in 2001 no one was believing this would be the future. We have been committed to Eco-designing all our high-performance foodpackaging solutions taking into consideration Composting as the preferred end of life. We promote fully circular catering solutions in school, hospital and elderly homes institution’s creating virtuous models for local communities”. Within the European Union, the proper collection and treatment of biowaste remains at low levels as the majority of municipal solid waste is still incinerated or landfilled and the combination of organics remaining in landfills is also significantly contributing to climate change via methane emissions, a powerful Greenhouse Gas (GHG) that traps 82.5 times as much heat as CO2 over a 20-year timespan.
    We want to give momentum to the Compostable by Design Platform to have a real impact on every day’s life.

    There is a huge potential of improving our policies and we must join efforts to make that happen.

    #compostablepackaging #biowaste #fullycircular

    👉🏻 https://lnkd.in/gPd8_D_R


    HOFMANNs wins the Award “Lighthouses of Sustainability 2024” with BIOPAP®


    Congratulations to HOFMANNs for the award “Lighthouses of Sustainability 2024” received at the Altenpflege Messe for its outstanding commitment in Environmental protection with our innovative and sustainable Biopap® packaging solutions.

    We are proud to be part of this brilliant achievement, which is the result of our mutual commitment and long-lasting cooperation.

    Sustainability is an attitude and a steady commitment. Only acting together we can have a positive impact on climate change.

    Thank you HOFMANNs !

    #Hofmanns #BIOPAP #innovativepackagingsolutions Altenpflegemesse #award #compostable