
    Business Ethics

    Behaving ethically does not mean only strictly abiding the law. It means embracing, in all cases, the highest standards of conduct.

    Faced with the ever wider affirmation in our society of the values ​​of free initiative and the recognized social function of the company, we set ourselves with a sense of responsibility and with moral integrity the goal of continuing to contribute to the development process of the Italian economy and to the civil growth of the country. In this context, we consider an essential duty to:

    • preserve and increase the reputation of entrepreneurship and business, as autonomous, responsible and ethically correct social forces;
    • contribute concretely through our own behavior to the improvement of civil society and the country-system

    The company undertakes:

    -to fully apply labor laws and contracts;
    -to behave with justice towards its collaborators, promoting their professional growth and safeguarding safety at work;
    -to take a fair and correct attitude towards customers, suppliers and competitors;
    -to maintain relationships inspired by fairness and integrity with the public administration and with political parties;
    -to consider the care of the environment and the prevention of all forms of pollution, a constant commitment.

    This company shares and supports the principles promoted by Transparency International Italy and adheres to the SME Integrity Kit created within the Business Integrity Forum.


    Charter of general ethical principles:



    Reporting systems and policies:


    Reporting template:

    Integrity pact:

    Charter of general ethical principles:
    Reporting systems and policies:
    Reporting template:

    Integrity pact: